Sunday, May 27, 2012

Saturday morning flowers

This beautiful epiphyllum for many years belonged to my mother.  I had given it to her for a birthday. It then belonged to her best friend my "uncle", Lee. He kept it going for many years and gave it me when I bought my first condo in the 00's.

It first flowered for me the first spring I "owned' it, on my birthday!  I love the coincidence; it makes me smile.

My German Butterball potatoes are getting much closer to harvest time.  There are just coming into full flower.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday, Sunday

So good to me... Beautiful day.  I couldn't actually see the solar eclipse but the quality and intensity of sunlight changed quite dramatically.  Quite an experience. 

My squash seeds broke out into the light today. Today I have zucchini and winter squash.  I also planted a short rows of cucumbers, carrots, fennel, lettuce and dill.

My Sweetheart finished the pad for the small table and chairs outside the kitchen today. Love to sit there in the shade on a warm day - or in the sun on a cool day.

It was a beautiful day today. Here's some of our beautiful flowers:
Hens and Chickens
Pelargonium back lit by the eclipsed sun,
Love the blue in lobelia!

Favas and Artichokes!

Favas and Artichokes!
Harvest day. Picked the last artichokes. Time to pull the favas.  They were no longer producing new beans so it was time to pick and then pull the plants.  The vacated bed will then be planted with cucumbers, carrots and green beans. 

Favas take a good bit of work.  The beans are first released from their pods and then blanched for a minute or so, immediately strained and placed  ice water to rapidly cool them down. Then the inner bean is freed from the bean "skin".  The result is a fabulously delicious bright green tender bean. But yes, lots of time consuming work. I caught up on taped TV shows; a very pleasant afternoon! 

Favas have a flavor beyond compare.  I loved them best tossed with a light vinaigrette but they are good added to any soup, stew or veg medley.  Later today I make a gratin with them adding the last of my artichokes which will be braised with leeks and garlic. The mix is topped with goat cheese and breadcrumbs and finished in the oven. 


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Saturday shots

The potato greenery has filled the bed!  They are a bit leggy so I hope the soil fertility is good for the tubers. 

German Butterballs.
I was beginning to worry about the Liberty apple.  It very slowly leafed out and there aren't alot of blossoms but as always, apple blossoms are beautiful and fragrant. 

I was out just past first light, checking out the garden, watering a few of the youngest plants and seedlings.  Tomorrow is gardening day.