Well, the kitchen is still in torn-apart mode. I'm going to attempt posting a couple of photos. This didn't work so well on a recent garden post for reasons only known to Google, but anyway, here goes. The last one I titled "Insides Out".
It is raining again today and the garden is loving it! I am sure the peas have doubled in size this week.
Most of the seedlings under the lights in my "greenhouse" box are up and doing so well I have to re-pot some already. The tomatoes look great. The slowest to burst forth are the eggplants, Violetta's. The long thin purple Italian variety. Luckily for me two or three plants are plenty.
The next slowest are the peppers. I have Padrons and Italian Rossa peppers started. The Rossa's are 2x2 or so, squat and red and can nicely. I grew them last in my Berkeley community garden patch when I lived there. They were tasty then and I hope I have plenty to can this year. I really want to taste the Padrons. I have read about their fabulous taste and have testimonials from friends. They are sauteed whole in olive oil and sprinkled with salt. Makin' me hungry just thinking about them.
It is raining again today and the garden is loving it! I am sure the peas have doubled in size this week.
Most of the seedlings under the lights in my "greenhouse" box are up and doing so well I have to re-pot some already. The tomatoes look great. The slowest to burst forth are the eggplants, Violetta's. The long thin purple Italian variety. Luckily for me two or three plants are plenty.
The next slowest are the peppers. I have Padrons and Italian Rossa peppers started. The Rossa's are 2x2 or so, squat and red and can nicely. I grew them last in my Berkeley community garden patch when I lived there. They were tasty then and I hope I have plenty to can this year. I really want to taste the Padrons. I have read about their fabulous taste and have testimonials from friends. They are sauteed whole in olive oil and sprinkled with salt. Makin' me hungry just thinking about them.
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