I started the day in the garden, sitting with one of the dogs, Hector, and my cup of coffee, watching the dawn light and listening to the birds. Of course, my first sip of coffee was bloody awful; I had used orange juice instead of milk! Really, don't try it. Otherwise, the dawn was just mesmerizing.
The new raised bed was finished. Yesterday the dirt was topped and watered. It was ready to go and this evening I planted Calypso beans in the bed.
Morning light and evening light. Ready to plant and planted. The big green lovely in the background of the evening photo is the Squash Galeux d'Eysines.
Later in the morning I dug into the shallots bed and harvested them. I was happily surprised by the yield. Looks at these!
My next task was the German Butterball potatoes. It was time to harvest. I think the size of them and the yield was low, but I have a trug full. I read that you stop watering the plants once they flower and when the leafy bits die you dig the potatoes; so I did. Aren't they lovely?
And lastly, this weekend the apricots have begun to ripen; only a few so far and with the first bite I had sweet apricot juice running onto my fingers. It has been years since I have had such a delicious apricot.
Lovely weekend, lovely.
The new raised bed was finished. Yesterday the dirt was topped and watered. It was ready to go and this evening I planted Calypso beans in the bed.
Later in the morning I dug into the shallots bed and harvested them. I was happily surprised by the yield. Looks at these!
My next task was the German Butterball potatoes. It was time to harvest. I think the size of them and the yield was low, but I have a trug full. I read that you stop watering the plants once they flower and when the leafy bits die you dig the potatoes; so I did. Aren't they lovely?
Lovely weekend, lovely.
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