Saturday, September 8, 2012

Harvesting Yellow Perfections

I grew one yellow tomato plant, Yellow Perfection, this year. It grew really well and gave us lots of 2 to 2 1/2 inch fruit.  To bad it turns out I don't really like yellow tomatoes.  I miss the acid of the reds. I have given most of them away, which of course is a really great gift for friends. Well, that is unless like me, my friends are not fond of them but no one is saying!

So today I harvested the whole plant. I'm going to have to make something tomorrow with both the ripe and the unripe.  It was a prolific plant.

And what would a summertime post be without an update on the Galeaux d'eysines.  I keep wondering whether it tis time to remove them from the vine. I have five of these.  This is the one I have posted since the beginning. It is also the most salmon colored.

It's a beauty!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I personally love yellow tomatoes. Wish we lived closer. Your garden is amazing.
